Hub Coordinator FAQs

Hub Coordinator (11)

Sometimes it is hard to know what to say in the twice-a-month cheerleading for your hubs. Here are a couple of emails that could serve as inspiration.

From Sandy Merrit-Shea to her hub leaders, following a recent donation:

Good Morning Bonney Lake Hub Bakers!

This Sunday, the 25th, is donation day. So get those bread loaves and Energy Cookies ready to be dropped off!  Here is the info: 18402 139th St E. from 9 am – 5 pm. Donation bin on the front porch w/signup sheet on a clipboard.

Remember to record #’s today on the website, too.  The Bonney Lake Food Bank will be closed on Monday the 26th, so I will deliver to them on Tuesday.  If you would like to drop off donations to the hub on Monday, to keep everything frozen one more day, I will be here. Whichever day works best for you, Sunday or Monday, just text me if you would like to drop off on Monday.

Let’s welcome our newest bakers to join our baking brigade, Julia Osborne and Amy Vandenberg!  We are all so happy to have you with us on this journey to provide for our community; the Bonney Lake Food Bank thank you!

We also have some One Year Anniversaries to celebrate. Let’s give a round of applause to Gretchen McCallum, Wendy Adams, Amanda Kruger and Glenda Brown!  Thank you, Ladies, for helping to build our little hub into what it has become, I’m in awe of you all…Thank you!

It would be great to have everyone upload a picture on your profile page on the Community Loaves website.  Always so nice to have a face to go with your name, and I’ve even seen some of you out in the community, I love that!

We truly are Breader Together!

Sandy Merritt-Shea, Bonney Lake Hub Coordinator

We have a new tool that allows you to send a quick note or an animated card to a baker, or your whole hub. SO fun! However, this is different from our email tool, and it looks like this:

Here’s how it can be accessed:

    1. Click “Messages” in the blue bar at the top of your Dashboard. This will take you to the page view seen above. If you have a new message, a notification will show up next to “Messages” (just like you can see “4 New!” next to Volunteer Tasks, below).


2. Click on “View Latest Donation Highlights”

This will take you to the Donation Highlights page, where you can view organization totals, baker anniversaries and badges earned, and hub specific numbers for any donation date you choose from the drop down menu. You can toggle between Organization Totals and View My Hub Only to change what you’re seeing on the page.

Tabs allow you to view the names of bakers who are celebrating anniversaries, or have earned specific badges during the donation date chosen. Click on the green “Say Congratulations” button next to a baker’s name.



3.  Access a list of all your hub members from the Your Hub button located on your main Dashboard.

Then scroll down to the grid of friendly faces, and click on the little red envelope icon. This will take you to the messaging tool and you can choose a card to send, or just send a quick note.

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Hub Leaders can select one or more hub members to become Hub Delegates. This delegate role gives another person (or people) all the hub leader tools, so that you have a back up in case of travel, emergency, illness, etc.

Click the Delegate Duties button, and then use the drop down menu beside the name of the baker(s) to give them the “Delegate” role. (see below)













If you have very small hub and need a larger group of volunteers to pull from, you are able to select a member from an affiliate hub to become a delegate of your hub. Use the drop down menu under “Select a Member of an Affiliated Hub” and select a name. They will then be added to your list of Hub members, and you can change their role. (see below)












Do you currently have a hub delegate? How do you like to utilize their help? Have anything to share with us about delegating duties? Please do so in the comments below.

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Delegates can do more than just help you out in a pinch or when you’re on vacation. Once you’ve assigned someone the role of “Delegate,” they’ll have access to all of the same tools that you do as a hub leader.


Examples of tasks you might hand off to a delegate:

Maybe you don’t mind being a drop off spot for Donation Sunday, but don’t have the bandwidth for a delivery trip to the food bank on Monday. Perhaps there’s a hub member to whom you could delegate this task, and who would love to be that link in the donation cycle.

You can also have a delegate help you be a cheerleader for you hub and send out communications a few times a month to your bakers:

  • Congratulation cards in our messaging system for baker anniversaries and new badges earned
  • Donation follow up emails to thank your bakers for their efforts


Don’t be shy! This organization is full of incredible volunteers who love to lend a hand to help make this machine run smoothly. If you need help, or would like to share the load, ask a delegate!

You may also refer to our “Volunteer Tasks” FAQ to learn more about getting help with one-off tasks.

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All volunteer bakers need supplies which can be ordered directly through the Flour Fundraiser Store.

As a hub leader you can view the orders your hub members order, even if the supplies are delivered to a different location. You can pull a list of everyone who has ordered to pick up at your hub.

Here are the steps in a couple screen captures:

  1. Select the Flour Delivery green tab from your hub tools. (see image above)

  2. Then select the delivery month

  1. Then select the truck stop (example is Mukilteo)
  2. And then click submit. You can view the “summary” but you can also select “individual orders”. When you do that you’ll see each person who is picking up and what they ordered.


This tool can help you figure out who is missing their order, if you ever end up with extra supplies at the end of pick up day. Each person who ordered and selected “Mukilteo” will be listed as well as their contact information so you can reach out directly to remind them you have their items.

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The “Edit Hub” button allows you to update the info that your bakers see in the “Your Hub” page.

If you need to make any changes to the Drop-off instructionsBread Donation Deadline, or Other Information, you can do so using the “Edit Hub” button.

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Great Hub Leaders Ask For Help!

Our Volunteer Task Tool exists to help you – plan ahead, easily request help from your Hub and automatically awards valuable donation time as a thank you for their efforts. 

The Volunteer Tasks button allows you to create volunteer tasks whenever you need help. Watch the video below, or scroll down to see the step-by-step.



1. Once you have clicked on the Volunteer Tasks button, you can scroll down and click on “Create Task.”

2. In the “Task Title” field, select from predefined tasks or create your own by selecting Custom.


3. Volunteer tasks automatically record to the Volunteer Dashboard of your own hub. If you have affiliate hubs, you may select for them to also receive the sign up notificiation by checking the box next to their name at the bottom of the page. (see above)

** Tip: Once you’ve created a task, copy the link to it and share it with your entire hub, using our email tool, to encourage signup! **

Once the task is completed you will be prompted to acknowledge the time donation, which you can do at the top of the Volunteer Tasks page. Once time donations have been submitted, a thank you is automatically sent and the time is recorded on their profile.


You can also create a “Delegate” – great for hub management – they get all the tools! Learn more about delegates here.

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As a hub leader, one of the most important jobs you have is being a cheerleader for your bakers. Engaging with bakers and letting them know how appreciated and impactful their donations are is truly the best way to keep them baking.

A post Donation Day recap email is a great way to regularly engage with your hub. Every post-Donation day Monday morning, we send out an email recap with your hub’s donation details and highlights – how many loaves and cookies were donated, who has earned new badges, and who has met new milestones. You can also find those stats through the donation record (located in Donation Reports, in the Special Admin Section of your Dashboard). We recommend sending these emails out to all bakers in your hub, active and inactive, as these can be highly motivating emails and might lure back bakers who have fallen out of the habit of baking regularly.


* As a reminder, all emails and communications should be sent through the Community Loaves Email tool or messaging system. *

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What? You’ve not going to be home Sunday for the bread and energy cookie donation? OK, truly, no problem!  Of course, it is impossible to be around for every Donation Sunday. Just use your hub tools to keep bakers informed.

For example, you will want to make sure that bakers know you’ll be away, use the Email Tool. You’ll want to make sure you’ve got a volunteer to take the donation to the food bank, use the Volunteer Tasks tool to recruit. And, you’ll want to update the address and any instructions on your Edit Hub tool.

Changing the hub address is a temporary and handy modification. When a baker pre-checks their donation, the email confirmation they receive automatically includes the directions to the temporary location and any special instructions. When you return from the tropics, you can go back to the Edit Hub tool and revise the hub address.

If you have questions on this, please reach out.

Finally, if you are also a truck stop manager and we need to make changes to the delivery drop, please notify This is really important for smooth operations. That address shows on their supply order confirmations, as well any emailed and/or texted reminder notifications.  We want our bakers to go to the correct address to pick up their supplies.


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The hub leadership was never intended to be a lifetime role. We recognize the time will come when you will be ready or will need to pass the proverbial baguette. The following process will help to guide this effort and create a smooth transition and continuity for our Breader Together efforts.

FYI – It is helpful to transition hubs at specific times of the calendar year when other activities for our non-profit are slower. If you can plan for an August or December transition, that is ideal. Life events don’t always happen at an ideal time, but if we have the luxury of time, August or December are best.

Here are the steps:

  • Notify Katherine that you’re looking to find new leadership for the hub.
  • Together, you’ll talk through any logical successor candidates, perhaps existing delegates and/or super helpful hub members.
  • You’ll agree on a desired timeline and a communication plan to the hub to solicit interest.
  • Any interested candidates will need to attend a hub training session. You and Katherine will encourage folks to attend this hub leader training.
  • Although only one person can be a hub leader, the opportunity to train multiple people at once helps create a knowledgeable leadership team that can support one another.
  • In the unlikely event that nobody emerges able/willing to take on these responsibilities, the hub will be closed, and hub members will be reassigned to the next closest hub.

Please notify Katherine ( if you would like to begin the hub transition process.


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