Community Loaves is a 501c(3) non-profit organization, and as such we depend on our Flour Fundraiser and generous donations to cover our program expenses. The sales from our monthly Flour Fundraiser provide much needed assistance and support to our expanding volunteer network.
Through our Flour Fundraiser, we are able to offer ingredients and supplies at a significant discount compared to retail prices. For example, a 5lb bag of Cairspring Mills Trailblazer flour costs $20.99 at the grocery store, our bakers can purchase the same 5lb bag for only $10.95! A special discount for you, that simultaneously supports local flour mills, and raises a few dollars for our non-profit. That’s what we call a Win.
Ingredient & Packaging Costs For A Loaf Of Bread:
The current cost to make and bake one loaf of bread is $2.84, including the packaging. This can vary, especially in our expanded markets like California or Idaho. If you purchase different flour or types of ingredients, for example, specialty honey or farmer’s market oats, the loaf price could be higher. Our price used Costco honey, oatmeal, and olive oil. For the flour, we used our Community Loaves flour store pricing. Bakers are given a 6-hour donation of time credit for every batch of 3-4 loaves donated. Use this time credit to satisfy community service requirements or request corporate matching! Our non-profit benefits greatly from corporate matching!
Ingredient & Packaging Costs Per Energy Cookie:
The donated cost per Breader Together Energy Cookie is $0.88 cents per cookie, fully packaged. We used average store pricing for the ingredients beyond our signature cookie base – items like unsweetened apple sauce, pecans, cornmeal, blueberries, and raw sugar…. An entire batch of cookies (32) costs $28.23 and takes approximately 3 hours to mix, bake and package.
Our volunteer bakers give their time, talent, and treasure to bake and donate our signature honey oat sandwich bread and energy cookies to our local food bank partners. It is a big, beautiful volunteer project and we track all gifts.
Volunteer time for younger bakers can be used to satisfy community service requirements or, for those in industry, serve as support in the request for corporate matching.
Every donation is logged on your volunteer baker profile, and you can pull a giving statement anytime. The giving statement records the total items donated, the volunteer time to complete those donations, and the financial cost.
Volunteers can download their current doughnation statement anytime! It is found on your volunteer profile page.
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