Food Banks

FAQs → Food Banks

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Community Loaves is a value add to the exceptional and vital work completed daily at foodbanks throughout the region. As an organization, we love to bake, and we love to donate fresh, nutritious, and delicious items such as our Sandwich Bread and Energy Cookies to our food bank partners.

Becoming a partner is easy and free. It can, however, take a little time to create a brigade of bakers in each geographic location. If you are interested in a Community Loaves effort to support your foodbank, we would love to start the conversation.

To learn more, check out our Foodbank Partner Page.

  • Josey Horsts says:
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    I’m the director of the Woodinville Storehouse Food Bank in Woodinville Washington. I’d love to partner with you! Let me know if that’s a possibility. Thanks!
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