Congrats Message for Badges
Badge Name | Description | Congrats Message |
Donation Streak | Number of bread donations in a row | |
Personal Best - Loaves | Largest single bread donation | |
Total Loaves | Total of all bread donations to date. *This does not include special donations. | |
First Donation - Loaves | First bread donation | Congratulations on your first bread donation. Thank you for all you do to bake the world a better place. |
Baker's Dozen | Donate 13 or more loaves in a single donation to earn this badge! | |
20 Loaves | Milestone for total donation of 20 loaves | |
10 Loaves | Milestone for total donation of 10 loaves | Congratulations on making it to 10 loaves. Thank you for playing a part in reducing food insecurity in our community. |
40 Loaves | Milestone for total donation of 40 loaves | |
50 Loaves | Milestone for total donation of 50 loaves | Congratulations on making it to 50 loaves. We are breader together! |
200 Loaves | Milestone for total donation of 200 loaves | Congratulations on making it to 200 loaves. Thank you for playing a part in reducing food insecurity in our community. |
Badge Name | Description | Congrats Message |