Thanksgiving Sourdough Rolls

Home Forums Baker Forums Our Formulas Thanksgiving Sourdough Rolls

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  • #6755
    Katherine Kehrli


      Love your participant photo!

      Let’s see if you are doing Option 1 – Community Loaves Dinner Rolls then the flour is the same. If you are going to make the Perfect Loaf Sourdough Rolls – I’d recommend the Sequoia or even the Central Milling T70, Artisan Bakers Craft. That makes a very fine soft sourdough roll. Not whole grain but d’lish. So many flours to choose from. If memory served I used the Skagit 1109 last year, also a very nice choice.


      Terry Jones

        After reviewing the recipe, it appears we don’t use the same flour as the bread recipe. I would use KA bread flour and KA all-purpose flour. Can you confirm? Thanks!

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