Staggering bulk fermentation

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  • #15059
    Terry Jones

      Hi Katherine,

      My question is about pausing the process over a couple of days. I’m running into time constraints for baking in one day.  I use the Classic formula. Could I bulk ferment the dough overnight and continue with the recipe the next day? If so, how many hours can this recipe bulk ferment in the refrigerator?

      Thanks for the guidance!

      Katherine Kehrli


        You have a great plan! A good time to stretch out the timeline is during the bulk fermentation. I suggest after mixing your “six”. Divide the dough immediately into 1/3’s. If you can, separate containers will help. Put two containers in the refrigerator and pull them out when you are ready to begin the next round. They can hang out for several hours.

        Regarding what to do after pulling the dough from the fridge. Divide into loaf size, pre-shape and bench rest for 30 minutes vs. 20 which will help it relax and warm at the same time. Then shape and proof as normal.

        That is what I would do. Others?


        Emily Carlin


          I just got an Ankarsrum and can now mix more than two loaves worth of dough at a time.  However, my oven is small and I can only bake two loves at once and still have an even bake.  I’d like to mix up a big 6-loaf batch of dough, divide it into thirds (each 3rd being 2-loaves), put one batch to bulk ferment on the counter right away, and put the other 2 batches in the fridge to essentially pause the process.  If I pull a batch out of the fridge an hour or so later, can I just give it 30-45min on the counter to warm up and then just continue the process?  That would allow me to mix everything at once, but stagger the baking without over-proofing them.  Will this work?  Does anyone else do this?  Thanks!

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