Bread sticking to pan?

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  • #10603
    Matthew Mizulo

      Hi M., If you’re using regular aluminum and not non stick aluminum, give Crisco shortening a try. Rub a generous amount around the pan and up onto the rolled edge. I’ve found just using your hand works best. With that technique, there’s been no need for parchment. Hope that helps 🙂

      M Miller


        (Testing out the forum but since I’m a new baker for CL I’ll put in some of my real questions 🙂 )

        While not new to bread baking, I have little experience making a pan loaf. I am using aluminum pans, put parchment on the bottom and then oil the sides and the bottom and still having problems with the bread sticking to the sides of the pan. Even though I carefully separate the sides with a knife, sometimes it still rips. Any tips?


        M Miller


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