10.5 Quart Mixer?

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    Jennifer Mankoff

      Worked great! And I think I will consider trying 4 again — I did a much better job of breaking things up this time.

      Jennifer Mankoff

        I have an industrial strength Kitchen Aid — I have had Kitchen Aids forever, and recently replaced mine rather than getting the Ank because I have all the attachments. It broke when I tried to do 4 loaves, and when I called in (I was under warrantee) they sent me a new, industrial 10.5 qt one. I tried it with 4 loaves 2 weeks ago and it really struggled, I decided to go down to 3 loaves today. We’ll see how it does.

        Robin Donohue

          Have you tried the Kenwood yet, Katherine?  I bought one at Costco too and I really wanted it to work.  But when I was kneading four Modern loaves, it overheated and needed a little rest. It started up again shortly after, but since I was buying a new mixer, I really wanted one that could easily handle four of our loaves. So I returned it and got a pretty yellow Ank from Bread Bekkers. With the $100 discount and no sales tax, the cost was the same.

          Robert Dain

            Thanks Katherine!  I’ll post a review if I get brave enough to give it a try 🙂

            Katherine Kehrli


              Interesting. I have no experience for this mixer, seems a bargain. Which makes me more curious. A 10.5 quart mixer theoretically could handle 6 loaves, maybe 7. But this is only a 675 watt machine and I’m not sure it has enough oomph for that much dough. The Pro Line 7 & 8 quart KitchenAids have 900 or more watts which is quite a bit more power for mixing our stiff dough.

              I did just purchase for the test kitchen a Kenwood from Costco. It is still in the box. It is 875 watts and a lower price point. I’ve had a Kenwood in the past and been very satisfied and the price point is less than the KitchenAid.

              Certainly there is no harm in trying the mixer, could be a gem. Hopefully returnable if not. I’d read a bunch of reviews to make sure you are getting something that is really sturdy.


              Robert Dain

                I’ve been thinking about getting a 10.5 qt Kitchen Aid style mixer and wanted to check if there are any strong opinions one way or the other on a “large capacity” mixer like that.  I’m also super curious what its loaf capacity might end up being, if anyone has a feel for that.

                Here’s a link to the one I’m looking at in case anyone is interested.  This one is on Ebay.  The same one was on Amazon and it had good reviews, but it sold out there.


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