Donation Reminder #1


Hello Bakers,

I hope this email finds you well and in good spirits. I am writing to remind you that next Sunday, December 17th, at 6 pm, we will have our last donation of the year to the Queen Anne Food Bank. This is a great opportunity to share warmth and joy with our needy neighbors, especially during this festive season. If you plan on donating this weekend, please check in here.

I would also like to give a special shout-out to David Atchison, who is celebrating his one-year Breadaversary with us. David has been a wonderful addition to our community and has donated over 50 loaves and 30 energy cookies this year. Thank you, David, for your amazing work.

Before I sign off, I would like to take a moment to celebrate some of our achievements and highlights from this year. Thanks to your generosity and dedication, we have donated over 2,243 loaves and 271 energy cookies to the Ballard Food Bank this year, making a difference in the lives of hundreds of people. I am so proud of what we have accomplished together this year, and I am looking forward to continuing our mission next year. You are all amazing and inspiring people, and I am honored to be your coordinator.

I wish you all a happy holidays and a prosperous new year.

Rachel Linkhart