This is Mike Muhm, hubby to Susan Muhm, two relocated Washingtonians living in beautiful Portland. Mike is a retired Boeing epidemiologist. A highlight of his time at Boeing was conducting a research experiment to help understand the effects of cabin pressure on passengers in a lighter and stronger resin based capsule vs. aluminum. Pressures experimented included 1000, 3000, 6000, and 8000 feet. Turns out we’re all pretty happy up to 6000 feet, he said with a smile.
But that was a decade or so ago. Now he and wife Susan are enjoying spending time with their Portland grandchildren while also anticipating the birth of their twin grandchildren this summer. And… they are baking and volunteering with Community Loaves.
This weekend Mike, a hub coordinator for the Portland Market, donned his super-volunteer hat. He met in Chehallis for a Community Loaves supply transfer, we stuffed 20 bread kits in his efficient Prius. Those little cars can really hold a lot of flour. We’re getting stocked up for our PDX bakers. Sending heap loads of gratitude to Mike for helping launch our Portland efforts. Purpose and connection combine with this special movement.