Testing Doneness with a Thermapen

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  • #5262
    Lynn Wenzel

      Thanks, Katherine. Fortunately, my loaves generally do brown nicely, but your point is well taken. I will “temp” the bread as well as checking for a hollow sound and golden brown crust color.

      Katherine Kehrli

        I was warned by King Arthur’s Jeffrey Hamelman not to rely on “temping” our breads. His warning was because taking temperature can give a false sense of “doneness” and you still might need longer to finish the outside. By way of example, I see some fairly blond loaves on donation day. They could use more time, but they are technically done. So please, if you are going to use temperature – 205-210 is a reasonable range, but don’t let that override the other senses. And if they are not golden brown on the outside, let them bake a little longer. 🙂

        Lynn Wenzel

          Thanks, Trecy! That’s generally been the read on my loaves, too — 206-208 degrees. This helps me feel more confident now. Thanks, again.

          Trecy Trimble

            Hi Lynn, I bake my loaves to 206 degrees.  This has worked great for me.

            Lynn Wenzel

              There are times when I’m just not sure that my thump on the bottom of the loaf sounds hollow. I’d like to remove the guesswork from this process. Is there a way that we could determine “doneness” by temperature? If so, what should that temperature be? Thanks!

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