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  • #19617
    Qin Pu

      Hi Katherine! I have a related quesition. I baked two loaves – one looks fine but the other one splits on the side. Also, they didn’t rise as what I expected. Before putting them into the oven, the poke test shows the rise is very slow. Do you think the side splits are due to the not enough hydration? If not, what are the other reasons?

      Thank you!

      Qin Pu

        Thank you Katherine for the quick response! I used Expresso to 100% substitute TB by following your email instruction. I’m now using Fairhaven Fine Bread and the Organic Expresso Flour T85. I guess I just need to keep adding a little more water next time.


        The dough I had is actually ok to work with, but I understand that higher hydration with whole grain dough could be challenging.

        Katherine Kehrli


          There is some difference between TB and the Expresso, the Expresso is thirstier. Please do a quick doublecheck to make sure you’re making the right substitution. The T85 Expresso does not way Whole Grain. So you would have used Fairhaven Fine Bread and the Organic Expression Artisan Bread T85.

          Provided the correct substitution the additional water, won’t hurt, and I would avoid adding too much there is a good chance that the dough will be easier to work with and you can pull a nicer windowpane. Please keep us posted! Can’t wait to hear.


          Qin Pu


            I’ve tried the classic recipe first time. Nice resource and ingredients! I used Ankarsrum and noticed the dough is drier than what the instruction video looks like. I added 5% water afterwards but still not the same consistency. The dough in the video is a little clingy to the roller bar but mine is a completely separate dough. Shall I actually add more water?

            I used organic expresso flour to replace the trailblazer. I’m not sure if my tendency to add more water is due to my high hydration dough experience or it actually needs more water. Sorry I forgot to take a picture, will add one next time 🙂

            Thank you,

            Qin Pu

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