Holiday Cookie 2022 Videos

Home Forums Breader Together Recipe Exchange Holiday Cookie 2022 Videos

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  • #14418
    Milla McLachlan

      HI Katherine

      I am wondering whether the cookies can be frozen – and if so, is it best to freeze the cookies before baking, the baked cookies, or the fully assembled cookies.

      I’d love to hear what other bakers’ experiences are with this.

      Thank you


      Rachel Running

        Hi Katherine,

        Help!! I am confused. I do not have a #100 cookie scoop so went with the 12 gm method but noticed the recipe said to use a tsp to measure.  12 gm is significantly bigger than a tsp of dough it is also bigger than a lg blueberry. I doubled the batch and making the balls 12 grams gave me 86 balls which will lead to only 43 cookies which is a lot less than the 72 cookies a double batch should make. I haven’t baked them yet so could make them smaller?

        watched the videos but didn’t see one on sizing them



        Katherine Kehrli

          If you use a #100 scoop it will be perfect!


          Heidi Cristobal

            Hi Katherine,

            I looked through the videos and did not see a video on how to shape the chocolate cookies. Do we use a #40 scoop and split the scooped dough in half?



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