Cookbooks about bread baking

Home Forums Breader Together Recipe Exchange Cookbooks about bread baking

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  • #20629
    Maggie Sweet
      • Ken Forkish has a newer book out called “Evolutions in Bread” that I’ve found very helpful.
      • “The Perfect Loaf” by Maurizio Leo is the bible of sourdough if you’re seriously into sourdough bread.
      Katherine Kehrli


        I love getting new baking books! Haven’t purchased a new book in a while. My favorites are – Jeffrey Hamelman’s “Bread”, Tartine Book No. 3, Chad Robertson, and Flour Water Salt Yeast by Ken Forkish. These have been around for a while.

        Hamelman’s “Bread” is a compendium, it covers the gamut of bread formulas thoroughly. If I had to pick just one, probably be that one.

        Love to hear if there are new references people are enjoying.


        Tina Ellis

          I’m interested in purchasing a new cookbook and looking for recommendations. My only experience baking bread successfully has been with the Community Loaves recipe. What are some of your favorite bread baking books?

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