Bins instead of paper bags

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    Paula vanHaagen

      Hi, Mitzi, Good question/point.

      When I delivered loaves to Rainier Valley Food Bank, they let me take a few tote bins home  and use to transport bread. I could leave the filled bins with them and take fresh ones home. Now I’m delivering to West Seattle Food Bank, and they don’t work that way. Even so, I could use totes, put them out for people to fill with their bread, take to the Food Bank and empty there (into their grocery carts).  Maybe M Miller, our Food Bank Coordinator, can discuss this with the food banks and see what we can work out. And we hub coordinators should chat about this.

      I reuse paper bags in good shape on Flour Truck days to fill orders. When loaves are delivered, I redistribute them so all bags have at least 5 loaves. Heavier than that and I need to double-bag.  The emptied bags then get used for filling orders. I also like the Fairhaven boxes for large orders – and would be happy to use them to carry loaves to the food bank.

      Paula vanHaagen, West Seattle-Central hub coordinator

      Mitzi Adler

        Bags are disappearing from grocery stores in many communities.  Has anyone started to use reusable totes or bins to deliver to the food pantry?  Can the pantry easily transfer bags from a tote to another container?  Let me know your experience if you use something other than bags for your hub.

        Mitzi Adler, Sammamish hub coordinator

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