Help with Holiday Cookie size

Home Forums Breader Together Recipe Exchange Help with Holiday Cookie size

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  • #14313
    Katherine Kehrli


      Such good questions. Thank you for checking.

      A scoop really isn’t required. Weighing 12 g works. You should get 72, which when sandwiched would make 36 completed cookies. The blueberry reference is confusing. The size of 12g here was closer to a large globe grape. When flattened the cookies are 1 to 1 1/2 inch in diameter.

      does that help at all?


      Rachel Running

        H Katherine

        Help! I am confused. I do not have a #100 cookie scoop so went with 12 gms for each cookie but then I realized that the directions say 1 tsp. 12 gram balls are significantly bigger than 1 tsp and also bigger than a large blueberry. I wouldn’t have worried except for the fact the double batch made 86  (12gm) balls which would only lead to 43 completed cookies which is way less than the 72 a double batch should make. Thinking they are too big but not sure what measurement to use. I haven’t baked them yet so could make them smaller.

        I watched all the videos but didn’t see one on sizing. When I googled #100 scoop it said 12 grams. How many completed cookies should each batch make?

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